Friday, May 18, 2012

the awkward and the awesome: pt 1

(credit unknown)
The Awkward~

* laughing so hard you're crying for no reason whatsoever and after you stop you just realize how quiet the classroom is and that the other students could hear you from the other room
* going to the store in your school uniform and being asked by some thirty-something-year-old guy if you work there
* standing in the school hallway with one of your best friends who just showed you they got a B+ on a Logic test and they start dancing and you start dancing with them and you add to the moment by making up some rap-music-noises when suddenly one of the boys in your class walks in says, "What the heck?" and you and your friend stop and start laughing while he's cracking up at you
* trying to walk all cool to make a friend laugh and you turn around to make a funny facial expression then run into a wall
* accidentally calling your (male) teacher "Daddy" when you ask him a question
* going out onto your porch to lay in the sun and you fall asleep then you wake up to hearing your mom take a picture of you on her camera then seeing the picture and realize that you were snoring

* the taste and texture of coconut

* trying to tell a joke that someone told you but it just...doesn't work. Or being the only person laughing at your own joke
Sometimes you just have to ask: why does this always have to happen to me? 
The Awesome~
* ordering The Betrayal by Douglas Bond
*  your older sister who lives in California is coming up in June

* finding out that you are going to the Ligonier conference up in Seattle to listen to R.C. Sproul, Douglas Bond, John MacArthur, and Steve Lawson speak
* being able to read my Bible openly in this country
* being told you're cute :D
* finally buying the 6 hr version of Pride and Prejudice


  1. This made me LOL for reals: * accidentally calling your (male) teacher "Daddy" when you ask him a question

  2. i was totally awkward. he looked slightly...uh...disconcerted... *nervous laugh*


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Have a lovely day, and I can't wait to hear (or read, rather) your thoughts.

In Christ alone,
Miss Hatcher