Tuesday, October 23, 2012

in pursuit of Mr. Righ--oops, I mean Mr. Darcy


      So, yes. The title says it all.

      Whether we're looking for the incredible Mr. D., or these dudes...

      ....or ANY other dude that I forgot to mention ;)...I just thought I would remind everybody (including myself) something.

      We all know that falling in love with a liar is pretty bad, but there's also another mistake we are prone to make, and that is falling in love with a lie.

       "Men are responding with groups and forums with titles like, 'Real Men Against Mr. Darcy.' Real men are tired of being duped or turned down because 'they're just not Mr. Darcy.' They're understandably disgusted that the standard of manly perfection is not a real man, but the figment of a 19th century spinster's imagination. 'Never marry a woman who expects a man to be Billy Graham, Mr. Darcy, John Piper, Mr. Darcy, Cary Grant, and Mr. Darcy all rolled into one,' one man wrote. The young men we know express a holy terror of women who look at men through fiction-colored glasses-- we've encountered several who crossed from their lists of prospects girls who navigate reality by ideas picked up from romance novels. This is partly because a woman like that promises to be a perpetually discontent and frustated wife. It is also, however, partly because real men don't like being compared to imaginary dreamboats any more than we women like being compared to artificially-enhanced images."

(an excerpt from "It's (not that) Complicated)

   Yes, every girl wants to be swept off her feet by some handsome guy who is romantic (who wouldn't?). But we need to remember that because we ourselves aren't perfect, to not expect boys to be perfect, because they're not.
   Except for One. (guess Who?) *grin*


  1. Ironies of ironies, Miss Hatcher, I have a blog post similar to this that I've never posted. Well said in the closing paragraph. (Oh, and some pretty pics, too!)

    1. Really? That's funny! Haha

      You should post it sometime :)


Hey, there! Feel free to share your thoughts. Just keep it sweet (but real).

If you disagree with something I say, why, speak up! But just be nice, alrighty?

I really appreciate everyone's comments and support-- I feel so blessed to have friends like you!

Oh, and don't forget to check back to see my response...:D

Have a lovely day, and I can't wait to hear (or read, rather) your thoughts.

In Christ alone,
Miss Hatcher