Sunday, July 22, 2012

a forgotten art ~ learning how to laugh at yourself

       To be honest, I don't do this as often as I should. I don't at-all-what-so-ever claim to be perfect at this. In fact, I'm the kind of person who will get super mad when I hit my head on my locker door and then hit it in return as if that made a difference. And then my hand hurts, too. And then I get mad again, and cradle my poor, reddened fingers as I glare menacingly at that oh-so-evil locker.

       As if it actually did something wrong.

       I mentally take a step backward and replay the whole situation in my head through someone else's eyes.

       Then suddenly, I start laughing. At myself. I continue to laugh at myself so loud and so hard, my friends ask me if something's wrong with me. I realize how ridiculous and immature I acted, and I shake my head in disbelief. 


        Does anyone else relate?

       I then wonder, "What is God's reaction when we become so angry and frustrated over the smallest things that don't even matter? Does He laugh?"

      It's a matter of learning how to laugh at one's self. A lost art, actually. You know, if you don't laugh at yourself now, you won't have anything to laugh at when you're old.

     This is something I'm still learning, but, Lord-willing, I will do it!

Have you ever laughed at yourself?


  1. Lovely post Miss Hatcher. =) Growing up in my house, it was impossible not to learn to laugh at yourself. I was an extraordinary clumsy and odd child, so whenever I fell down or something, my dad would laugh at me. At first, it made me mad, but then, I learned to laugh at myself. Which means that now, basically, I'm laughing all the time, because I never grew out of my clumsiness or weirdness. =)

    1. That's wonderful! Laughter *is* the bast medicine :D


Hey, there! Feel free to share your thoughts. Just keep it sweet (but real).

If you disagree with something I say, why, speak up! But just be nice, alrighty?

I really appreciate everyone's comments and support-- I feel so blessed to have friends like you!

Oh, and don't forget to check back to see my response...:D

Have a lovely day, and I can't wait to hear (or read, rather) your thoughts.

In Christ alone,
Miss Hatcher