There's been some heated debate as whether or not to save your first kiss for your wedding day. Is it okay to kiss before long as there is commitment? Should you wait until engagement? Should you save it for your first date? Should you keep it for the alter? Should you even have your first kiss at the alter, but wait afterwards when you're in private? Are you just dizzy from hearing theological bullets whizzing back and forth by your head, as arguments are shot from side to side?
I know the feeling.
Now, before I give my opinion, I'm not saying that I'm perfect, or you're condemned because you don't believe the same way I do, or I know all the answers. Because I don't. There is only One who knows everything, and that is God, not me.
I don't want to step on anyone's toes, if I can, because I know that opinions vary and situations vary. What I don't believe, however, is that there is a perfect, cut-and-paste answer for every situation. Some people may have a painful past, and it would be wiser if they waited until the preacher said, "Man and wife". Some people may feel like they're ready a little earlier. It really depends on the couple and their situation. To be honest, no couple and no story are the same. That's part of the beauty of it: God made every love story unique. I mean, wouldn't it be boring if everyone had the same story, and you knew how and when everyone--including you--would fall in love? No one would be surprised! So, my point is, every story and situation are different, so *please* don't think that I believe there is one answer as to the question of whether or not one should save their first kiss for their big day.
However, no matter what Disney or Hollywood says, but there is such thing--no matter how romantic the moment feels--as accidentally bumping noses during a first kiss. First kisses usually aren't always those flawless sweeps-her-into-his-arms-and-suddenly-kisses-her-in-the-middle-of-a-sentence, sort of thing. I've heard first kisses are usually awkward ::chuckles:: So, I keep that in mind.
If you don't save your very first kiss for your wedding day, I don't think it makes it any less special than if you did. As long as you are careful to remain physically and emotionally pure before. But yet, I also think that saving your kiss for the alter can be very beautiful. It would be still be very special. I don't think there's anything wrong with saving it at all, and I believe very few regret it.
So, you may be wondering what I'm going to do. To be honest, I don't know. It depends on who I marry, their background, and the situation. I would be fine with either, actually. I would probably feel a little awkward if I were saving it for in front of all those people, just really depends.
Which should you do? I would advise you...just to do it however you're most comfortable! If you would feel better saving it for at the alter, then do it. I think that if you save it for engagement, wedding day, or after the wedding, they all have their advantages.
If you don't save your very first kiss for your wedding day, I don't think it makes it any less special than if you did. As long as you are careful to remain physically and emotionally pure before. But yet, I also think that saving your kiss for the alter can be very beautiful. It would be still be very special. I don't think there's anything wrong with saving it at all, and I believe very few regret it.
So, you may be wondering what I'm going to do. To be honest, I don't know. It depends on who I marry, their background, and the situation. I would be fine with either, actually. I would probably feel a little awkward if I were saving it for in front of all those people, just really depends.
Which should you do? I would advise you...just to do it however you're most comfortable! If you would feel better saving it for at the alter, then do it. I think that if you save it for engagement, wedding day, or after the wedding, they all have their advantages.